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Market Settlement

The Foil protocol architecture is modular, allowing different deployments to utilize different strategies for determining the settlement price after the expiration of a given market.


UMA’s Optimistic Oracle can be used to determine the settlement price for a Foil market.

  • After block.timestamp exceeds the endTime of the market, all market activity (including deposits and withdrawals) is halted, and an asserter can call submitFinalPrice with a settlementPrice for the market, also providing a bond (configurable, typically 5,000 USDC).
  • During a challenge window (configurable, typically two hours by default) following submission, anyone can dispute this settlement price by posting an equal-sized bond.
  • If no dispute is submitted during this period, anyone can call settle. Market participants can then withdraw collateral based on the value of their position according to the settlement price.
  • If a dispute is submitted, UMA tokenholders vote during a 48-96 hour voting period to determine whether the assertion is true or false.
    • If the vote resolves to true, the dispute loses their bond, and the system behaves as if no dispute was submitted.
    • If the vote resolves to false, the asserter loses their bond, and another settlement price must be submitted.